2025-01 Wyangala Dam
2024-10 Condo – Lake Cargelligo
Fordson New Major E1A Tractor

Fordson New Major E1A Tractor

Serial number. 1277863 January 1954 New Fordson Major Mark I E1A DKN 3.6 litre 4 Cylinder Petrol/Kerosene 3.6 litre 4 cylinder. E1A new major. more photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/PVszeUAmP8XYQd7Q9 Further reading – https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/thread/30x17p78 https://www.fordsontractorpages.nl/story_bdye9.htm https://forums.yesterdaystractors.com/threads/fordson-noobie.1529977/ https://archive.org/details/tractors-23656994-Fordson-Major-Tractor-Manual/page/n3/mode/2uphttps://www.manua.ls/fordson/super-major/manual?p=2W https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fordson#E1A…

Back to the OC

Back to the OC

In 1993 we returned to the town of my birth, Orange. Click here to view photos from my family’s time in Orange between 1993 and 2003 Dad built self-storage units on Forrest Road. I completed…

Coastal Life, part 1

Coastal Life, part 1

Between the ages of 6 and 10 we lived on the central coast of NSW at The Entrance. Click here to view photos from my family’s time on the coast between 1988 and 1992 Dad…



From the age of 2 until 5 I lived in Canowindra. My father was the publican at the Royal Hotel and ran the pub with my mother, aunt and uncle. Click here to view photos…

2023-12 Christmas
Coffs Harbour – NYE 223/24
Social Cudars
South Pacific Cruise September 2023